Information about community funding relevant to tackling climate and ecological issues in the Bath and North East Somerset district.
For all types of funding sign up to the Council's Funding Journal.
Information about community funding relevant to tackling climate and ecological issues in the Bath and North East Somerset district.
For all types of funding sign up to the Council's Funding Journal.
Residents in Bath are being asked to help decide which neighbourhood projects should receive a new round of community funding. Bath & North East Somerset Council has launched a public consultation on whether any current applications for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Bath should be awarded funding to support the development of their areas. It’s the first time that the council has asked residents to support ward councillors in making the CIL funding decisions. The five…
Read more…3SG run a Fundraising Network and they have a meeting coming up: "Thu, 10 Feb |11am -12pm Online via Zoom - REGISTER The Fundraising Network is an opportunity to meet and connect with others involved in fundraising across Bath and North East Somerset."
Read more…An opportunity for social enterprises to recieve a grant and coaching from the 'School for Social Entrepreneurs'. Some details on eligibility: Start Up Programme Your project or idea is less than two years old. You and most of your clients, customers or beneficiaries are based in BaNES. You are looking to set up an organisation with a social purpose. You have a plan to either start trading or increase trading in the next six months. Accelerator Programme Your project or organisation is…
Read more…Apply for the Community contribution fund 2021 - 2022This is a pilot scheme that offers residents of Bath and North East Somerset the chance to pay into a good causes fund to help local charity, community and voluntary groups to reduce inequalities in the area. Since April 2021, local residents have been generously donating and by 1 October, the fund total had reached £25,094.55. The council has now opened the fund for applications. Applications close 30 November 2021.Apply here. The National…
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