Residents in Bath are being asked to help decide which neighbourhood projects should receive a new round of community funding.
Bath & North East Somerset Council has launched a public consultation on whether any current applications for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Bath should be awarded funding to support the development of their areas.
It’s the first time that the council has asked residents to support ward councillors in making the CIL funding decisions.
The five projects in Bath that have applied for CIL funding in the latest round are:
- An interpretation project to provide artwork, graphics and display boards, and pool tiles explaining the history of Cleveland Pools - £69,300
- A permanent canopy at the new kiosk building at Cleveland Pools - £48,000
- A Safe Space Centre run by the charity Voices where services responding to Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) could be based- £47,214
- A Multiple-Use Games Area (MUGA) at Percy Community Centre - £74,253.60
- A building renovation project at Komedia - £49,481
The consultation and details of the projects can be viewed here. The consultation closes at 5pm on March 3.