An area to discuss issues and opportunities around waste and recycling in the Bath and North East Somerset district.

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Great British Spring Clean - 25 March - 10 April

[Reposted from Keep Britain Tidy website] At Keep Britain Tidy, we believe that every act to protect the environment, no matter how small, makes a difference.   And so, when hundreds of thousands of #LitterHeroes all join forces and take the same action at the same time, the difference we make is huge.   Back for its seventh year, our 2022 Great British Spring Clean takes place 25 March – 10 April.   This year the message is simple. Join our #BigBagChallenge and pledge to pick up as much litter…

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State-of-the-art waste modernisation plans - Keynsham

  Repost from Council Newsroom Ambitious plans to build modern and environmentally friendly recycling facilities at the site of the current Keynsham waste site are taking a step forward. From mid-February contractor, Farrans, will begin preparatory work to secure and prepare the site of the Keynsham Recycling Hub in Pixash Lane. The main works are due to follow on from March and it is hoped the work will be completed in Autumn 2023 The site will include a new reuse shop, alongside the new…

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University students recycling at end of term

Shared from University of Bath 'Pack for Good Campaign' nets over £30,000 to fund life-saving British Heart Foundation research Over 19 tonnes of waste has been diverted from landfill thanks to BHF donations from students and the local community in Bath. Preloved items donated by students and members of the local community to the British Heart Foundation (BHF) as part of its ‘Pack for Good’ campaign have raised £32,942 and helped to divert nearly 19 tonnes of waste from landfill. The BHF…

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#No Place for Litter

#NOPlaceForLitter was born from a desire to go beyond litter picking, to truly find ways of reducing litter in the first place. This will mean different things in different communities and landscapes. But we figure if we have a simple way to share ideas we might be able to make a real difference to our beautiful planet sooner. This will involve a shift in thinking about what ‘normal’ is, so there is no blueprint to follow.  We will need to find our own way, which may well mean different things…

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