Climate & Nature Emergency Working Group of the Chew Valley Area Forum

The Working Group was formed in 2020 to bring together local Parishes in the Chew Valley and surrounding area, with the key aims of reducing our carbon footprint and enhancing biodiversity. Those who had been working in village settings (some of which had already declared a climate emergency) were beginning to realize that some topics were best addressed (and lobbied for) at a larger scale than just one Parish.

Key topics that the group has identified to work on together  are focused on 4 areas: Renewable Energy, Home Energy, Transport and Nature Protection. Our aim is to increase our knowledge in these areas and identify activities that could be considered in a cross-parish way. These topics are reviewed regularly.

If you would like to become involved in this group or like further information please email:

In 2021 we undertook a Transport survey of residents across the parishes in the Chew Valley Forum area. 410 households responded, representing 1187 individuals Read the report here.

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