Welcome to the 'Zero Carbon, Nature Positive' network hosted by Bath and North East Somerset Council.
We've developed this network for community groups to use in their efforts to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies.
Join topic groups to share information with other like-minded people and keep up to date with the latest news and opportunities. Using groups you can share links, documents and media with other members of the network. If you would like to set up a private group for your organisation to share and store information please contact an administrator to learn more or email: sustainability@bathnes.gov.uk with "ZCNP Private Group" as the subject heading. One of our admins will be in touch and we can talk over the details.
Share events you're hosting using the 'events' tab and publicise what you're up to using this blog channel. The blog is monitored by admins of the network and will provide up-to-date news and case studies from Bath and North East Somerset. If you have a story you would like to feature on the blog please email: sustainability@bathnes.gov.uk with “ZCNP Blog Pitch” as the subject heading. One of our admins will be in touch and we can arrange a blog feature.
Together we can combat climate change and make a real difference to our communities.